Guild items

This is a list of guild items we currently own, info's on item level and who donated them and the demands they have

Raggghza the Troll (level 10)

Raggghza - Complete set

Zachorzi the Plagued (level 20)

Gloves, armor and boots

Fire Dragon (level 35)

Fire Dragon - complete set (all 9 items donated by baiatu for the guild, he demanded the items to be sold for the guild when the players level will be over those where the set is needed)

Lesser Santork Claws + Lesser Reindeer (level 50)

Complete set - 2 items from each legendary form the set

Thonomoth (level 60)

Thonomoth - Complete set

Bishamon, Terror from the Deep (level 80)

Deep - 2 complete sets

The Host (level 90)

Decay - Complete set

King Au Xenahs (level 150)

King Au Xenahs - complete set